Saturday, July 31, 2010

TDP (Talent Development Program)

The Talent Development program was on today after ground closures last Sunday. There is 5 keepers including me and there is 3 spots in the rose Weirbowl team. First we did a warm up then catching exercises . After that we did my favorite thing diving. After that with 30 mins to go we played in a game. I did well there is still another 6 weeks to show my talent.

Friday, July 30, 2010

soccer games summary

today I played a soccer game against another three kings team they are the 2nd team for 12th grade. But as I said on an older post we are supposed to be 11th grade but we moved up to 12th grade. and we played pretty good but our shots were not on target. (we play in small goal not full size) The full time score was 0-0.

I also play in the three kings mixed 10th and 11th grade internal competition as a striker. My team is called Napoli . We won 5-1, I scored 2 goals!!! Napoli Played really well one of our players has got a broken arm so we had no subs.

Auckland Football strength and speed program

the Auckland Football speed and strength program was on Friday

the girls under 12 group was at 7.30-8.30 that's my group. Everyone was nervous, because we saw what the boys were doing because they were abit earlier than us. I thought it was going to be tiring. First they told us what we were going to do. Then got us started and warmed up. Then we had to do a beep test it was really tiring my score was 14.3 the girl that won got 17.6. I thought I did pretty well so did my Dad so I got McDonalds. It was very yummy

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

training game

Today my team had a training game against Three Kings Phillpot .

Phillpot are the best Three Kings 12th grade team. And were the best 11th grade team for Three Kings but our team have moved up to 12th grade.I think we are as good as them. Normally we tie 1-1. But today was just a training game so we didn't play as well as we normally do. So we lost 3-1. But who cares it was just a training game!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Goalkeeping with Nic

I go to Nic's goalkeeping training every Wednesday and sometimes Friday.

it is very hard but I can still stop them!

Nic is a good trainer he teaches me heaps of things

he also trained the under 20 womans goalkeeper last year.

one day i want to be in the New Zealand Womans soccer team!!!


today i went to soccer at keith hay park.

first was the soccer 4.20-5.20. Then was the goalkeeping 5.30-6.30

both are really fun. This was the 1st session this term.

i learnt alot of things

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Karate kid!

today i went to watch Karate Kid with my friend Mollie and my mum

it was about... a boy that went to china with his mum. At school he always got beaten up while he was trying to deafend himself and a girl he liked. One day he was walking with his mum and saw this karate school he walked inside and they were fighting then he saw the guy who beat him up so he ran away with his mum. The other day he went to the Karate school with Mr Chang (Jackie Chan) and Mr Chang got Dre (Jaden Smith) into a Karate Competition. When it came to the competition he did very well and got in the finals where he was versing the other guy that was beating him up at school. The other guys teacher taught them the wrong way of doing Karate he taught them a very violent way and told them to brake Dre's leg they did hurt it but then the opponent got disqualified. Then in the finals the other guy was his opponent Dre was shaking after his opponent almost broke his leg but Dre fought back and won.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


introducing the new apple Ipad

it has just come out in new zealand!

so what are you waiting for!!!!

and my second Dad brought one they are so cool

he bought it from new market apple shop

it comes in 16gb 32gb and 64gb

I recommend the new apple Ipad to all. it easy to use and malfunctions well


all saturday youth soccer games are cancelled

no soccer this weekend for me

as the Auckland training on sunday is also cancelled

hope the weather changes for next weekend

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Team Curry training

this is my team training.

i play for three kings girls 12th grade Curry (the last name of my coach)

it was pouring down with rain.

i got 2 lollies 1 for player of the day (last saturday)

and we spilt our team into half so we had even teams and played a game and my team won

at the end our whole team was covered in mud

goalkeeper training

today I went to goalkeeper training as i am a goalkeeper. It was really fun and tiring also I was raining a bit but still worth it!!!

i just got selected for the Auckland soccer training squad as a goalkeeper and will be training for the next 6 weeks

then I will see if I make 1 of the 3 team that are playing for Auckland in the Rose Weir Bowl

Monday, July 19, 2010

First day back at school

first day back at school after the school holidays.

Lots of homework with Dad no soccer today

nice to get back with my friends

i had a great day!

Sunday, July 18, 2010



it all started when my mum emailed me and asked if i wanted to go to Fiji. of course i said yes!!! i was so excited.The hotel were going to stay at was the Hilton. We were travelling on Air New Zealand and the flight was leaving at 7.30am.

Then the day came!My mum went in my bedroom and woke me up at 5.00am. Then i got dressed. and we double checked if we forgot something.After that the taxi came and we whizzed to the air port and went through customs. Then we went to koru club to eat breakfast. And are staying there until our plane was going to board. The time came quickly and our plane was boarding we had to go to the gate.

Then we got on the plane and i watched a movie called Alice in Wonderland. Also a few T.V show like Hannah Montana, Man vs Wild and Sonny with a chance. Then before i knew it we were at Fiji the time was 10am .The first thing i did was take my jacket off it was so boiling hot! I said to myself i want a swim when we get to the Hilton! when we got our bags we went to get a cab to our hotel were staying at. At last we got there we checked in. Then went to the room it was really cool. After we unpacked we went to get 3 seats next to the pool . Then got our togs on and had a swim and relaxed. The time was going quickly it was already 12pm "time for lunch"
my mum said. So we went to the restaurant Nuku and got some burgers they were OK as you know fiji food isn't the best. Then i checked what they are doing for the kids club I told my mum there was beach soccer at 3pm and my mum said great. So i went to play beach soccer i played ok but i didn't get the ball much. After that it was 4.30 so we went back to our room and decided were we should go for dinner we agreed on the restaurant at the Sheraton i got pizza since it was our first night it was nice like all pizza's!!! we finished dinner pretty late we went back to the hotel and went to sleep

The next 5 days were the same just glad to get out of that horrible weather in Auckland.
it was so fun and i hope to go there again!

my first post


welcome to my blog

i am a 10 year old girl from (Auckland) New Zealand

i hope to write stories about what i have been doing especially my soccer and cricket