Sunday, October 31, 2010

EDCA Auckland under 15 cricket trails

Today I went to the shore road nets to trail for the EDCA Auckland under 15 cricket trails. First we did a warm up then stretches. Then went to the nets I bowled well and batted OK. At the end I was told I made the team I was happy

Slog 6 Tournament

On saturday my team and I playing this 6 a side slog 6 tournament. The first game we were playing Cornwall A that won the under 14's last year but we playing very well i got 12 runs retired. we bet them. The next game we were playing East Coast Bays we fielded first and fielded very well i got 2 bowl outs! we won that game as well. Then was prize giving we came first

Friday, October 29, 2010

Water Wise

On Friday, I went to water wise it is run by youth town. We went to the Oraki basin and my group was doing sailing we learnt how to put up a sail boat and all the safety things like that. Then we had a go my partner and I had turns at steering and pulling the rope. We were average, also at the end we had a race and my partner and I came second. I can't wait till next week when my group does kayaking or wind-surfing.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

All Whites vs Honduras

Yesterday night at 7.30 I watched the All Whites vs Honduras at North Harbour Stadium. It was a good game NZ played well. I was sitting next to my friends from soccer. I got some hot chips before the game it started well NZ looked better but then Honduras looked good as well it was really close.It was almost half time so I got a hot Chocolate because it was cold my Mum said I should watch in case they score a goal. My Mum was right New Zealand just scored! luckily I saw the goal. When there was 30 minutes to go. Honduras scored then in substitution time New Zealand got a penalty and missed the full time score was 1-1. Good luck for their next game on Tuesday Against Paraguay

New Zealand vs Papa New Guinea

On Friday I went to watch NZ vs Papa New Guinea it was the final of the woman's OFC tournament. The winner goes to the woman's world cup in Germany. New Zealand were expected to win. NZ played well and won 11-0 we were happy for them. And I saw a lot of people from my soccer club (Three Kings). In the whole tournament New Zealand scored 50 goals! Also Rosie White scored 4 goals in the final. Only 8 countries out of 16 have qualified for the world cup.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

White Ferns

Today, I went to watch the white ferns vs Tahiti at North Harbour stadium. Tahiti were stronger than the other teams they played the white ferns didn't score until the 35th minute. Also the Tahiti goalkeeper was really good she saved hundreds! Before I knew it, it was half time all the people went and got hot chips and drinks ( expect me =0). Then the white ferns made a half time sub. And the goals kept coming and coming. It was a really awesome game to watch the full time score was 7-0 go white ferns

Friday, October 1, 2010

Weir Rose bowl

(Day One)
At last it was time for the tournament. We met at St Kentigerns college in Auckland (dressed in our tracksuits) were we would be staying their for 4 days.When we got there we unpacked and at 2pm we had training since we had a bye on the first day.Then we watched the AFF Sapphires vs Bay Of Plenty. Then it was dinner the food wasn't as good as expected but it was ok. Then we went to bed and lights out was at 9.30.

(Day Two)
The next morning we got woken up at about 7am, we were given our kit the day before.So we got dressed in our bright red socks, white blue and red tops and blue shorts. Then we had breakfast in the dining room. Our first game was at 11 against Harbour A(the winners of last years Weir Rose Bowl) we played really well and tied 0-0. After the warm down we went to have lunch and our second game is at three so we watched the Sapphires (the B team) before hand.The game was at three against Waikato, we tied 0-0. Our coach was happy and we got some cake since it was Briana's birthday.

(Day Three)
After breakfast we had a team talk and were given our kit. Our first game was at 11am so we were out on the field at ten thirty to be warmed up. We were playing Waitakere the final score was 1-1 our coach was amazed by how we all played. We had lunch in the dining room before our next game at 3pm against the Aff Diamonds ( the A team). Their were playing really well but we held on till half time. Our coach said that we are playing ok. But then a free kick was awarded because I put the ball on the ground then picked it up ( because my Dad told me too!)
and their scored then they scored another goal with 2 minutes to go. We lost 2-0 my team is the AFF Rubies ( the c team) tomorrow we will play for 7th and 8th position.

(Day Four)
This was the last day of the tournament so we had to pack our bags and take the sheets off our beds in the morning then our game was at 11am so we had to be on the field by ten thirty to be warmed up and ready to go. We were playing Northland for 7th and 8th it was a 1-1 draw so we came 7th equal. We are going to watch the final at one thirty it is between Aff Diamonds( A team ) and the Aff Sapphires ( B team) go Auckland! the Diamonds won 2-0 after that we went to prizegiving. Then I went home!

it was a fun and exciting tournament to go to. It was held in Auckland this year at St Kentigern's collage